For this first step of the project (CobBauge 1), the expected deliverables and output are the following:
WP T1 – Cob mixes formulation and evaluation
Activity 1.1. | 20 formulations of cob mixes
12 types of soils and 6 types of natural fibres from UK and France will be used. These 20 formulations will allow a differentiation of the key aspects of cob. |
Activity 1.2. | 4 optimised cob mixes (2 in UK and 2 in France)
4 optimised cob mixes will be selected from the 20 mixes tested according to their mechanical, structural, moisture, thermal and acoustic performances. This selection will comply with both French and British legislative criteria. |
Activity 1.3. | 1 innovative mixing and building method
This method will be selected according to builder’s opinion and economical and environmental costs. A comparison between concrete, actual cob and innovative cob will be made to assure the competitiveness of the innovative cob mix. |
Activity 1.4. | 4 medium scale cob manufacturing
The 4 optimised cob mixes will be manufactured at larger scale to ensure that the innovative method associated to these cob mixes are suitable indoor and outdoor. Their performances will be tested in climate rooms and will demonstrate the feasibility of innovative cob house and the reliable characteristics of the designed innovative cob products. |
- 4 optimised cob mixes designed
From the 20 innovative mixes, 4 optimised cob mixes will be designed from local soils and natural fibres. Their enhanced properties in terms of mechanical and thermal performances and comfort will allow them to comply with actual regulation and a take up of earth construction. - 4 optimised cob mixes produced
The 4 optimised cob mixes previously designed will be produced from materials selected based on availability and location of buildings to be constructed in order to minimise CO2 production due to the material transportation. The innovative manufacturing method will be used to allow a reduced time of labour compared to traditional method of cob building.
WP T2 – The specification of demand and mobilisation of a professional network
Leader: PnrMCB
Activity 2.1. | A comprehensive network directory
A directory accessible to members of the network via the project website that will firstly identify the stakeholders in the building sector, cob and earth generally, those interested in the issues of reducing CO2 emissions in the construction, and secondly recent cob buildings with information on the construction mode, site organization and the environmental impacts. |
Activity 2.2. | A report on the target audiences receptivity to the CobBauge construction process
This report will be based on statistical studies from future owners and private and public investors. An economic study will make it possible to specify the impact of the new process on the costs of cob walls. The statistical data from the surveys will make it possible to understand the development potential of the process more precisely and to define the actions to be implemented in order to achieve the obejctives. |
Activity 2.3. | List of recommendations for the development of CobBauge 2
A report of recommendations will be drafted based on 6 worshops and 2 general meetings, as well as barriers identified at the beginning of the project, improvement in product and process performance and the results of the demand study. The report will detail an action plan to be undertaken in a second stage of the project (CobBauge 2) by the project partners and members of the network. |
- Set up of a network
The partners will implement a shared network of professionals related to earth construction. Workshops will be held in Brittany, Normandy, Hauts-de-France, Somerset, Devon, Cornwall to establish and measure demand for the CobBauge product and process, raise interest and share the activities of current and potential members and users. - Inventory and mapping
An inventory of existing contemporary cob and CobBauge buildings will be implemented to analyse the CobBauge development and measure the efficiency of the project. Locational extracts of elements of this database will feed an online map. - Survey to assess the demand
Surveys will be conducted to identify and quantify the demand for a new CobBauge product and process. Based on a virtual demonstration project and an economic study evaluating its impact on the building costs, a statistical survey of the network will be carried out to clarify the potential of the cob market and to make recommendations accordingly for a programme of adapted actions.
For this second step of the project (CobBauge 2), the expected deliverables and output are the following:
WP T3 – Design and build
Leader: Plymouth University
Activity T3.1. | Create methodology for building with CobBauge material
Detailed methodology for the practical creation of CobBauge material on the building site. A set of standard design details, plans and 3D models will be published to enable designers, architects and builders to easily incorporate the CobBauge material into their building projects which will include the two pilot buildings. |
Activity T3.2. | Integrate standards details into the design of the pilot CobBauge building
Two buildings, with the relevant permissions and designed to allow the measuring equipment to be installed. The buildings will use the CobBauge material in walls that are subject to thermal variances to allow the building reflect a true representation of the material’s performance. |
Activity T3.3. | Design the building performance measuring system
To reinforce the prospective demand from the general public, it is important to do real measurements at full scale of the CO2 emissions and energy performance of buildings in use. |
Activity T3.4. | Build two buildings
Two buildings will be build: A domestic-scale building in Norfolk and a home in Normandy/Brittany. The building processes will take place over approwimately 1 year from Autom 2020 and Spring 2021 with some staggering between pilot programmes to ensure iterative learning is achieved. |
- The methodology and design details for CobBauge material
- Design of two new buildings using the CobBauge material
- Design of building performance measurement system
- The construction of new buildings using the CobBauge material
WP T4 – Performance measurements
Leader: Plymouth University
Activity T4.1. | Measure and assess the construction phase
The designed construction phase surveys and media will be used to link the steering group’s and other partner experiences to optimise the construction process. The end of this deliverable will result in a complete data set on the completed buildings, compatible with the monitoring systems, and typical of the types of buildings that will be sold. |
Activity T4.2. | Measure and assess the buildings in use
The quantitative and qualitative data from the measured use will establish the low energy credentials and associated reductions in CO2 emissions benchmarked against similar low energy building types such as Passiv’Haus. The assessment of the data will compare the thermal, energy, CO2 and comfort data with equivalent alternative low energy designs. |
Activity T4.3. | Life Cycle Assessment
The lifecycle and environmental impacts and the embodied energy/carbon of the CobBauge material will be assessed using the appropriate ISO standards embedded in specialist software (Simapro). The system will produce a draft Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for the CobBauge material. |
- The measurement of the construction phase
- Measured data set from the use of the buildings
- The lifecycle assessment of the material
WP T5 – Training, network and demand
Leader: PnrMCB
Activity T5.1. | Build and share a common directory of stakeholders and database of buildings
Creation of a directory of stakeholders and database of buildings that will be accessible to members of the network. he directory will identitfy the stakeholders in the building sector that have expressed a desire to use CobBauge and those that are interested in the issues of reducing CO2 emissions in construction. The database will identify relevant exemplar buildings that have recently build with information on the constructive mode, worksite organization, the environmental impacts, and finally a share/commented bibliography. |
Activity T5.2. | Mobilise network to share the strenghts of CobBauge and generate demand
The network organisation will result in different outputs, the dissemination of results through exchange workshops, meetings of the years 2&3 and site visits. The validated CobBauge Development Plan will be broadcast to the whole online network. The development plan will purpose future actions, summarise expectations, results and will be discussed by network members into specific workshops at the end of the program to share and adopt it. |
Activity T5.3. | Setup training
Two main sets of target groups need to be trained, professionals & practitioners. The contents will be adapted according to the particular groups, structures for engineers…To ensure innovation, 2 EU transnational exchanges will be planned. |
Activity T5.4. | Run the training
On graduation a list of trainees will be developed and added to the directory, making trainees part of the network and included on the website. A list of the trainees will be developed and added to the directory, making trainees part of the network. Assessed trainees will also be included on the website. |
Activity T5.5. | Train the trainers |
WP C – Communication
Activity C.1. | Start-up activities
2 events will be organised to reach target groups detailed in WPC to promote the project, disseminate the results and prove the efficiency of cob mixes developed by the project and compliance with thermal regulations:
Activity C.2. | Public Event(s)
Visual identity is key to generate interest and awareness of the project. BUILDERS will maintain the identity of CobBauge from Phase 1, this will include the logo, updated to CobBauge2. The logo will be used with the Interreg FCE programme logo and EU emblem to acknowledge the support received. The identity will be updated to CobBauge2 in all communication tools: brochure, roll-up, website, flip folders, press release template. Aimed at all target groups and used to support other WP activities. |
Activity C.3. | Publication(s)
The objective of this activity is to communicate to one of our main targets: builders and future builders. This includes SMEs, architects, engineers, academics, professionals, students, trainees and sectorial specialists. The communication goal is to publicise cob buildings and building methods and make builders aware of the reduced cost of building, the reduction of energy used when occupied and reductions in energy embodied in any CobBauge building when constructed. The strategy is to give them fresh information on cob products and methods through the updates and the accessible information on the website, the LinkedIn/Twitter/Facebook pages, and to promote the new CobBauge product by meeting them face to face during specialist events and fairs, often initiated by posts on LinkedIn/Twitter/Facebook pages. The website will be filled with news and technical documents and reports made by the CobBauge partners (in particular BUILDERS, PU, HA, PnrMCB, EBUKI) during T1, 2 & 3 and its promotion will be done through LinkedIn and WPC. CobBauge partners will participate in specialised events such as building fairs and scientific conferences to promote the project and its results both in UK and in FR. |
Activity C.4. | Start-up activities
This activity is to communicate to other CobBauge main targets: buyers, potential buyers and prescribers, including; general public, contractors, architects, local authorities, property developers, regional authorities and sectorial agencies.The communication goal is to encourage the use of CobBauge and make future buyers aware of the reduced costs in comparison with traditional houses, the reduction of energy used when occupied and reductions in energy embodied in any CobBauge building when constructed. This will enable the buying public to consider CobBauge buildings as a realistic alternative to conventional buildings that allies cultural heritage and innovation into environmentally-friendly and economically competitive buildings. The strategy is to bring CobBauge to the attention of buyers thanks to the creation of 1 promotional movie on the 2 CobBauge buildings constructed within the project: one in UK, the other in Fr. This movie will be relayed through the CobBauge social network pages (Facebook & Twitter), the website and during all events organised throughout the project (WPC). To promote the benefits of CobBauge, web users will be able to ask questions and comment on CobBauge and its methods through the Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest accounts. |
Activity C.5. | Start-up activities
The benefits (money, thermal comfort, reduction of resource consumption, aesthetic) of CobBauge need to be disseminated. 8 press releases will be issued and to organise a press visit during the “sign up for the future” event. This will also promote the project to relevant interest groups including NGOs on both sides of the Channel to have a broader impact. The articles in specialised media will support the success of the CobBauge network, and raise the interest in training professionals on CobBauge materials and buildings (T3WP). 2 events designed to reach target groups, widen the network and ensure the project deliverables and longer term goals are met. “Sign up for the Future” This is a 2 day European Conference in Caen. During this event, aimed at target groups detailed in C.3.1, Partners will present the benefits of CobBauge including methods of building and the opportunities for the product to be used in domestic, community and commercial buildings. A CobBauge building tour in Normandy will attract attendees able to disseminate results of the project to other stakeholders. At “Live monitoring” the results of 2 measured buildings (T1 & 2) will be compared with energy use in equivalent buildings of traditional construction. It will particularly focus on the target groups detailed in activity 2.3. HA will prepare public visits of their Cobbauge pilot site in Norfolk. |
- Directory and database
- Network and development plan
- Training materials
- Training