7e Assises Nationales de la Construction en terre crue

On November 15-16th, 2019 @Rennes.
Focus: Earth and thermal comfort.
More informations here !

CobBauge – Kick-off event at Caen

The CobBauge project continues, come and discover phase 2 of the project on November 21st 2019 at ESITC Caen.

CobBauge winner of the Regiostars

The first prize was awarded to the CobBauge project in the category “Connecting Green, Blue and Grey”.

Agenda for the Kick-off event – 3rd September 2019

Final Agenda – CobBauge, London

Sustainable Earth Building – CobBauge Kick-off event

The CobBauge project takes an ancient vernacular natural building material and brings it into the 21st Century.

Discover how we build and the details of the two pilot homes. This event will take you to the next 4 years going into the future. It would be designed for local, regional and national authorities, surveyors, architects, self-builders, local planning authorities and small building companies.

CobBauge: one of the 5 finalists

Make the CobBauge project the big winner of this competition! The votes are opened until the September 9th. To vote, it’s here !  

Press release – ESITC_july 2019

End of the phase 1 of CobBauge project and approbation of the phase 2. To visualize the press release – click here

CobBauge Phase 2 Kick-off

We would like to invite you to an exciting event for CobBauge which will be taking place in London at The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors in Parliament Square. Please register early for this event as we are only able to offer places to 80 attendees. We look forward to hearing from you

CobBauge Event 3rd July

You are all welcome to come to our event at the University of Plymouth on the 3rd July, please RSVP to: karen.hood-cree@plymouth.ac.uk  

RegioStars Awards

We are thrilled to be shortlisted for the RegioStars Awards, Europe’s awards for the most innovative, regional projects. Please help us to be one of the 5 finalists and vote for our project.The deadline is the 9th July and we are in ‘Category 2 – Connecting green, blue and grey